Take Action – RTP Remains in Jeopardy!
Contact your Senators and Urge them to Act!
The Recreational Trails Program (RTP), arguably the most important government program ever created to benefit motorized recreation (as well as non-motorized recreation) faces a big hurdle in transportation reauthorization legislation! As you know the RTP funds the development and maintenance of thousands of miles of motorized and non-motorized trails, but without your action the RTP may be eliminated.
Transportation reauthorization legislation, known as MAP-21, that passed the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee late last year is being brought up for a vote soon, possibly as early as this week!
MAP-21 threatens the very existence of RTP by eliminating the program’s dedicated funding. It is imperative that you take action to make sure that your Senators understand how important RTP is to you and to urge them to amend the bill to protect the Recreational Trails Program!
Please click the Take Action link below to send an email to your Senators encouraging them to act!